September 4, 2012

I'm Back and I'm Not Happy About It

I know it's not Monday
but it sure feels like it

We just got back from our 2 week vacation to the Outer Banks with my side of the family.  The weather was perfect, the water was warm, and the company was great.  Prince William and I haven't laughed that much in a long time.

I learned a lot on this vacation.  The most important of which is I probably shouldn't be blogging.   I don't have any special talent when it comes to writing (I know that).  I don't have any special talent when it comes to home improvements (I know that).  Hell, I can't even cook that well.  I don't have any magical words of advice to share regarding marriage, children or life.  I'm just a simple girl trying to make it in this crazy world. 

I look at my little sister on the other hand.  She is passionate about everything (almost to a fault).  She knows everything you need to know about NASCAR.  She knows all the tax laws.  She knows the procedures for a traffic stop in North Carolina.  She can basically talk your ear off about anything and everything.  I will say I finally had to call her out when she continually proclaimed that she knew CPR.  I finally had to ask her where she got certified?  Her answer was that she mastered CPR from watching doctor shows on t.v.  Good grief.

Anyway, I admire her passion for life.  She'll grab anything by the horns and go bananas with it.  One night after a few cocktails on the deck, I said she should get into blogging.  I mean she already is on Facebook all the time and has tons of followers on Twitter.  She enjoys the thrill of people following her.  I definitely saw the light bulb go off and I'm 100% convinced she will have a blog up in no time.  Stay tuned for that.

Anyway, another great little lesson I learned was every now and again you have to "GO OFF THE GRID".  I loved having no connection to the world.  I didn't check my voicemails, emails, blog, etc.  I just enjoyed life and it felt great.

Now back to reality.  I was totally unprepared for the first day of school this morning.  The kids were exhausted, the outfits weren't picked out and no special breakfast awaited them.  And guess what, they all woke up o.k., looked fantastic in their outfits, and daddy ran to McDonalds for a surprise pancake breakfast.  Life is good.



Anna Whiston-Donaldson said...

welcome home!

The Bipolar Diva said...

I enjoy the feeling the beginning of school brings, the getting back to schedules and the realities of what's going on. I'm not sure I could have made it though without my computer. I seem to be addicted!

Anonymous said...

now that's not true....I think you have a talent for blogging. I thoroughly enjoyed reading your post and thank you for visiting me. Don't you love the Outer Banks? I hope to go back this Fall! :)