August 6, 2012

Monday Morning Mayhem

My name is Princess Kate and I am addicted
to the Olympics (first step is admitting it, right?)

There is really nothing to report here at the ToddlerTown EXCEPT the Olympics.  I am not even going to sugar coat it.  I have neglected the laundry, the house cleaning, the grocery shopping and sadly the kids.  My favorite sports to watch so far are women's beach volleyball, gymnastics, and of course the swimming.  I'm not going to lie, I've also caught myself up late at night watching archery, table tennis and even the trampoline.  I LOVE IT ALL.  I'm so proud of all the hard working athletes.  Thank you Michael Phelps, Misty May-Treanor and Kerri Walsh-Jennings, Missy Franklin, Nathan Adrian (such a cutie pie), Katie Ledecky (a local favorite), The Fab 5 (way to go Gabby), and all of our team for really going all the way.  Now I have to get ready for week 2 -- TRACK AND FIELD.  YAHOO!!!!  GO TEAM USA.

In other news, Sir T officially started soccer practice on Sunday, I finally registered Sir T, K and Lady E for religious education, and our family vacation is approaching (YAHOO).

On a funny note, I heard Sir T in the mudroom on Sunday morning getting ready for soccer practice and I heard him ask Lady A (who is two years old) to help him find his shoes.  Here's how the conversation went:

Sir T:  Lady A, can you help me find my shoes?

Lady A:  I help you.  I help you find your shoes.  Sir T, where do your shoes live?

I'm still smiling about the exchange.  I LOVE my angels.  Take care of yourself.  Count your blessings whenever you have a moment and if you need me, I'll be near a t.v. watching the Olympics.



Town and Country Gals said...

Enjoy the Olympics also. Been fun watching all the hopefuls try their best! Those moments between our children are so precious! Thanks for the sweet comments on my daughter Kate's new arrival!

KarensKids said...

I'm hooked on the Olympics too. We've been eating fast food basically every night they have been on. Good luck with week 2. I'm right there with you.