April 6, 2012

Finally Friday Forum - Part 7

Kid, the next time I say, "Let's go someplace like Bolivia," let's GO someplace like Bolivia.
-Butch Cassidy

A very happy Butch Cassidy's birthday to all.  Probably not the greatest person to reference but when I think of Butch Cassidy, I think of the movie with Paul Newman and Robert Redford so it's more about Paul Newman for me (hey I'm a woman.  In general, we like Paul Newman).

I hope your week has been filled with good times and good friends.  Our week (so far) has been fabulous.  We took a quick trip to Lake Anna with friends and stayed in a gorgeous area (AGAIN).  The house was pretty and functional BUT the outdoor area was FABULOUS.  The weather was great so we lived on the dock.  It had a bar area (which came in very handy), a refrigerator, tons of seating, a beach area for the kids, fishing poles, canoes, etc., etc., etc.  As I said the weather was gorgeous.  It was about 78-82 degrees every day.  Absolutely a great time. 

I finally cracked down and bought a camera.  I ended up buying a Sony Alpha SLTA33L DSLR with Translucent Mirror Technology and 3D Sweep Panorama.  Looks like this:

Don't know what everything is yet but it looks like a good camera (such a girl thing to say probably).  I paid $40.00 to have it shipped quickly so I could use it on our trip to Lake Anna (don't tell Willy -- he will flip out).  Well, it came right on time.  It arrived first thing Monday morning and I was able to juice the battery for a couple of hours before we left.   I was so excited to use it.  I haven't had a nice camera in about 10 years.  Here's the best part.  The camera didn't come with a memory stick.  Guess what?  It doesn't work without a memory stick.  Shame on you Sony.  For the price of this camera, you could have included a small memory stick to get me started.  As you can imagine, I was NOT a happy camper and Mineral Virginia didn't carry memory sticks.  Thank goodness I had my little pocket camera and was able to get a few halfway decent shots.  Oh well . .  maybe next trip.

Our family is in love with Lake Anna.  Willy and I dream of buying a small home down there some day.  It really only takes about an hour and 45 minutes to get there for us and it's a really easy drive.  We have been going there for probably 6 years now and have loved every single area we have stayed in.  It really is a beautiful place.

Well that's enough about me, huh?   I hope you all have a blessed Easter weekend.  My sister Pippa is coming tomorrow morning and we have tons of fun stuff planned for the 8 kids that will be here.  I'm so excited.  This is a perfect time of year to REALLY count your blessings and rejoice in the goodness that you have.  I leave you with a picture of our dock area at Lake Anna.  It truly was paradise.



A Cottage in the Clouds said...

That looks like a really nice place to stay! I had the same problem with my new Nikon - arrived with no memory stick - so it must be the universal standard!
Enjoy your holiday weekend, and thanks for visiting my blog.

Gberger said...

Thank you for your kind comment on my blog, Princess Kate. Your blog is so clever - I would never have thought of setting it up the way you've done it, with cartoon characters & so on - good idea! Wishing you a Blessed Easter with your family.