March 2, 2012

Finally Friday Forum - Part 2

“Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You.”
― Dr. Seuss

Happy Dr. Seuss' birthday everyone!!!! I hope your week is wrapping up nicely.  We are ALL gearing up for a very special weekend.  All sports activities are DONE -- well we're off for a week.  We start back up with outside soccer for Sir T and K and Lady E next week.  Lady A will be yet again just a spectator but she loves it -- she really does.

With all the sports activities wrapped up for now, this weekend was wide open for something special for our family.  We are participating in a 5K/Fun Run in memory of Jack Donaldson.  I've made a few monetary donations but this feels like we are actually accomplishing something for Jack (albeit small).   Our hearts will be heavy but our spirits will be high. 

In other news, today was a busy day in our house.  We finished painting the sunroom and the boy's room.  The sunroom is beautiful and the boy's room is perfect.  The two colors I picked are awesome (Benjamin Moore Fairway Oaks for the sunroom and Benjamin Moore Bachelor Blue for the boy's room).  It's exactly what we were going for in both rooms.  I'll post pictures soon.  I also was inspired by several blogs to do some spring cleaning.  I did a small pantry makeover and will post pictures of that as well when I have time to download them.

That's enough for today, right?   Have a blessed weekend and remember to count your blessings.

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