April 25, 2012

What Did I Do To Deserve This?????

Happy Hump Day Everyone!!!  This week, as always, is flying by.  We skipped Sir T's soccer practice on Monday because he wasn't feeling 100% and the weather was awful (rainy and cold).  I seized this opportunity to cuddle up under a blanket and do ABSOLUTELY nothing.  I LOVED IT.

Then it happened.  The UNIMAGINABLE.  Tuesday started off like any other Tuesday AND then POW -- a punch straight to the stomach.  My old friend the coffeepot was suddenly kaput.  Come on man, you have been with me through 4 kids.  You have brought me to life each morning like Frosty the Snowman.  NOW YOU LEAVE ME.  Why????  Wasn't I good to you?  Didn't I visit you every morning several times?  With 4 kids, I REALLY need my java in the morning. 

So now I am on the hunt for a new one.  This is a picture of my baby.   

Man I loved her!!!'
May you rest in peace

I don't even know where to start.  There are so many new machines out there I'm not sure what direction to take.  I don't really need all the bells and whistles.  I don't need to be able to program it or make BIG pots for entertaining purposes.  I just need something that brews when I ask it to brew.

My BFF says get the Keurig B60 Special Edition.  It looks like this:
looks really nice but is it too elaborate?

How about this one that my neighbor recommended:

Looks very industrial looking

I could go crazy:

Way too futuristic
I could go girlie:

Prince Willy would probably kill me

I could go all-in-one:
I can't have anything in the house that multi-tasks better than me

Or maybe just play it safe:

My old friend

I'll keep you posted.  I'm not sure what direction I'm taking but I'm heading somewhere as soon as possible.

I hope your week finishes up nicely.  Remember to count your blessings and I'll catch up with you soon.


1 comment:

Nekky said...

I have a very Easy-To-Operate Coffee Pot. I don't have head for all the complicated ones in the market.The Hello Kitty one is so cute.