March 30, 2012

Finally Friday Forum - Part 6

I have become a housewife and there is no better job.
- Celine Dion 

A very happy Celine Dion's birthday to all.  We are SO looking forward to the start of this weekend.  See the kids start Spring Break and mom starts her first "official" time off from her "other" job.  I just realized a few days ago that I haven't taken any time off of my "outside the home full-time" job this year.  I am SO ready for a few days of R&R with the family.

We are headed down to Lake Anna in Mineral, Virginia.  Yes this is the town that gained national attention recently as being an earthquake epicenter but hey we got a really good deal on a house (hmmmmm???).  The weather is supposed to be perfect and we will be with our 2 bestest friends (and their kids) in the world.  I hope my expectations aren't too high BUT I'm so gooned up.  We will be down there for a few days and when we return, my sister Pippa will come with her family and we will celebrate Easter together. 

I hope your weekend/week is filled with family, fun and fortune.  Take time out of your busy schedule to count your blessings.  It definitely puts the "stupid" stuff into perspective.  I find when I really focus on the good in my life, the little trouble spots just seem to melt away (spoken like a person who is getting ready to go on vacation) .

Enjoy everyone and see you next time.


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