January 17, 2012

I'm Dreaming of a White Christmas Again and Again and Again

With four children you can only imagine how often Prince William and I are laughing at something someone says or does around the house.  The most recent laugh is from our incredible edible 2 year old, Lady A. 

One of MY favorite movies in the whole wide world is White Christmas (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/White_Christmas_(film).  You know the classic -- Bing Crosby, Danny Kaye, Rosemary Clooney and Vera Ellen, set in a little Vermont town at a beautiful bed and breakfast during the holiday season.  I have ALWAYS had a fantasy of taking a train to Vermont in the middle of a snow storm because of this movie.  You can't even keep track of all the great songs that come out of this movie either -- Count Your Blessings Instead of Sheep (one of my favorites), The Best Things Happen While You're Dancing, What Can You Do with a General?, Gee, I Wish I Was Back in the Army and of course the classic White Christmas.

This holiday season, I was able to watch the movie all the way through.  This, in and of itself, is a huge accomplishment.  I rarely get to watch television anymore but to watch something uninterrupted, well that just doesn’t happen in my world.  So to watch this movie in its entirety, and with my sister Pippa I might add, was a treat beyond measure for me.  We sang every song together, reminisced about watching it as children and we both agreed (YET AGAIN) that we must take a train ride to Vermont some day. 

Anyway, Lady A caught a few minutes of the movie before bedtime and fell in love with one particular song - SISTERS.  I'm not going to lie, Pippa and I can recite every word of this song AND do the dance steps to match so it brought me great joy that she too loves the song.  

Let me set the scene for you.  Phil and Bob receive a letter from Freckle-Faced Haynes the dog-faced boy (a former army buddy) asking them to audition his two sisters (Betty and Judy).  When they go to the club to audition the sisters, they perform this song.   An added bonus to this song is when the boys find out that the girls might be arrested, Phil helps the girls escape and convinces Bob to don the girls' left-behind costumes and lip-sync "Sisters" from a record, to give the girls time to make it to the train.  This part is absolutely hysterical (to me). 

If you have NEVER seen the movie, it’s a MUST (right up there with It's a Wonderful Life).  Oh the joy this movie has brought me over the years and now to see Lady A enjoying it too -- PRICELESS.  She wakes up in the morning and the first thing she says is "disters".   It took the family awhile to figure out what she was saying but once we put it together, it's been basically non-stop for weeks.  It's "disters" for breakfast, lunch AND dinner.  The house is pretty divided on this issue though.  The boys are OVER IT.  Prince William and Sirs T and K can't run fast enough whenever it's on (which is a lot) but the girls, Lady E too, still enjoy watching it together, singing along and doing a dance step or two.  It's a treasured moment for me and my girls. 

This gives me a great idea – I'm going to plan a train trip to Vermont with my girls one day (and this promise I plan on keeping.)

Here are both versions.  Enjoy!!!!

The girls:

The boys: 

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